29 Aug 2008

Today's Angel...... "Mercy"

My Tornadoes Sticker

I got my Worcester Tornadoes car sticker / decal and I couldn't wait to put it on my car!!! Doesn't it look purty??!!

Especially since the Tornadoes have made the Play-Offs!

The Sussex Skyhawks’ 3-1 victory over the New Jersey Jackals sealed the Tornadoes’ spot in the 2008 playoffs, despite Worcester’s 5-1 loss to the Quebec Capitales at Le Stade Municipal on Wednesday night.


My Word Cloud

My friend Gena had a Word Cloud in her blog and I thought it was a cute idea so I did one of my own. It takes the words from your blog and makes "art".

You can create one of your own here: http://wordle.net/

28 Aug 2008

Let It In

The Universe wants to give you so much, if you could just let it in.

To let it in, slow down.
To let it in, relax.
To let it in, unwind.
To let it in, be calm.
To let it in, let go.

You are now letting it in.

Taken from "The Secret" daily calendar for Thursday 28th August.

I love her work!

I love love love love love love love love love love love (well you get the idea) Sarah Addison Allen's books, "Garden Spells" and "The Sugar Queen". They are so BEAUTIFULLY written. I had reading anxiety as I picked up her latest ("The Sugar Queen") as I loved "Garden Spells" so much, what if this one didn't match up. Oh but it did and more! Absolutely adorable and delicious books. Treasured stories!!

18 Aug 2008

Breaking Dawn - the new McBook

I've chosen "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer as the McBook Choice for August / September. (Thanks again to Gena for her wonderful artwork!!!!)

Personally I am having T.A. (Twilight Anxiety). I love the series (make that LOVE the series!!!) but am nervous about starting the last book. LOL! What a baby!!

14 Aug 2008

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Take me out to the ball game.

Take me out with the crowd.

Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack,

I don't care if I never get back.

Let me root, root, root for the home team,

If they don't win it's a shame.

For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out

At the old ball game!

If you had told me a month ago that I'd be sitting here looking up baseball scores and recording Major League games (shown at 1am here in England), I would have called you mad (and probably stopped returning your calls) yet here I am....

Addicted to baseball.
In love with the game.

Two and a half weeks ago I found myself sitting in the stands of a minor league baseball game in Worcester, Massachusetts oblivious to what was about to happen to me. I didn't know the rules and was there more for the experience of something so quintessentially American than rooting for the home team / gripped by the outcome.

My American chums explained the basic rules before the game got underway and I was immediately impressed by how strategic it was. (I blush to say that I assumed baseball was rather simple and could be b... b... boring!)

Within moments I was hooked. It's a fantastically fun game! The suspense. Drama. Action. I was on the edge of my seat!!!

It was so wonderfully blissful to sit outside in the sun for HOURS watching this American past-time. It was also such a family-friendly environment and I knew immediately how it has become so woven into the American lifestyle. My only surprise was how it had taken me so long to "discover" this gem! The whole experience was one of bliss.

The game I watched was Worcester Tornadoes vs Nashua Pride and I really have to commend the Tornadoes on the "show" they put on. Not only did the baseball team come back from being down and clinch a thrilling victory but the support staff (Peterman, Twister etc) kept the crowd entertained during the innings and we were all rewarded with a fantastic fireworks display afterwards. We definitely got value for money!

So here I am - learning what I can about the game and following (albeit via the internet) the highs and lows of my new "home" team, the Tornadoes. They may not top the league but what I do know for sure is that my next trip to America will involve some minor league baseball.


Unless you fill yourself up first, you have nothing to give anybody. Therefore it is imperative that you tend to You first.

Attend to your joy first.

People are responsible for their own joy. When you tend to your joy and do what makes you feel good, you are a joy to be around and you are a shining example to every child and every person in your life. When you are feeling joy you don't even have to think about giving. It's a natural overflow.

Taken from The Secret daily calendar for August 7th.

12 Aug 2008

Unleashing the Inner Seamstress!

On the weekend, Mum and I went to one of our favourite stores (Dunelm Mills) and as I turned a corner, I came face to face with some fabric I just LOVED. It was made up of sage green and pinks and the images were jugs, cups of tea and cupcakes. CUTE!
I went straight home and measured my kitchen window as I thought they would make PERFECT kitchen curtains. The next day we went back with the measurements and bought the fabric.
We decided to split the job so while I got out my (pink) drill and put up the curtain pole and tie-back hooks, Mum cut and hemmed the curtains.
I think the end result is really adorable and it finishes off my kitchen nicely (now I just need to paint it.....)

Have More Courage!

Aristotle believed, and I think correctly, that courage is the first of the human virtues, because it makes the others possible. Courage is the ability to exercise your free will and make things happen in the face of setbacks and unforeseen challenges, by selecting healthy role models and mentors and taking daily actions that define who we are to become.

We are not what society and randomness have made us. We are what we have chosen to be from the depth of our very souls and being. We are self-made based upon our beliefs.

No significant decisions - personal or business - have ever been undertaken without the attendant feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and guilt. The commitment to wade through these inevitable crises is the meaning of courage. To gain courage is to change your beliefs about what you deserve and about what's possible with patience and persistence.