28 Feb 2011

Rocket Science Anyone?

Today I decided to join up for Weight Watchers Online to lose weight and for better health .... and is it just me or do you need to be a Rocket Scientist to understand ProPoints??!!

I'm *still* scratching my head!

Any tips for better health, happier me and losing weight welcome!

24 Feb 2011

Welcome to the Dark Side

As well as being a slave to Twitter, Facebook, Farmville, my Blackberry and my iTouch, I have now sucuumbed to the iTouch/iPhone/iPad app Paper Toss.

Oh how I laughed merrily when a colleague told me about it and smugly thought it would never take over my life .... and then I found myself glued to my iTouch, tossing paper UNTIL THE BATTERY DIED!

Peeps! This is a cry for help.

I'm Baack!

Cue dramatic if not scary music..... I'm back peeps. Back with random babblings of no consequence whatsoever!

So it's 2011 - how's the Year of the Rabbit been treating you so far? As I AM a Rabbit (as in Chinese horoscope and not furry with big ears), I thought this year would be all sunshine and icecream .... Needless to say I'm still waaaaaaaiting!

Yet, better times are ahead. Of that, I'm sure. And I am going to be optimistic that the rest of today will also be fab!