In a word?
Brilliant! To be honest, I didn’t want to read
"My Sister's Keeper" by
Jodi Picoult. Who would? A book about a girl who is solely conceived as a bone marrow match for her dying sister. Ghoulish, morbid, morose and depressing sprang to mind. Even as I chose it as our next read for the Book Club about a year ago, I refused to pick it up. (I mean the news is bad enough, why would I want to wallow in this kind of misery in my spare time).
Yet for some reason a few weeks ago, I picked it up.
It was captivating and blew all my preconceptions (and misconceptions) out of the water. It wasn’t ghoulish or morbid, not even in the least.
In fact it was stunning.I loved each character, the family dynamics, how the book came together along with Jodi’s writing style and especially how she didn’t go for the easy (and cheesy) sentimental and over-emotional route.
As with any book that tackles controversial topics, there will be fans and there will be those who loathe its very existence.
"My Sister's Keeper" and
Jodi Picoult definitely have a fan in me. Highly recommended.