29 Jul 2009

Chapter Charms

I've been busy making my "Chapter Charms" again - organza-ribboned bookmarks that don't damage your books and are cute to boot! Here are three I made tonight.
The first is a Tim McGraw / Cowboy Theme. The second is so cute with a Panda BELL charm (yup, it rings!) and the third is a pretty in pink, Hello Kitty Chapter Charm.
I've got the organza bags ready and I am waiting on my cards to arrive (to say that they are my Chapter Charms) and then I'll be uploading them to eBay and the Staff Intranet Site to start selling again. Yippee!!

Pinki Binki!

A few weeks ago now Binki (my Mum's bichon frise)'s groomer Sam asked if she could dye Binki pink for a Dog Show she was having and to raise money for an Animal Charity. She had asked last year and Mum had said no so she relented this year and Binki came out so pinky and CUTE! These pictures don't even capture how bright pink she was. The dye is of course, completely harmless to Binki and she was in the newspaper and managed to raise some money.

The Dog Show was on Sunday and Mum, Binki and I went and had a craft stall selling our ceramics (with pet theme) and it was a fun day ... and Miss Pinky Binki was definitely the star of the show!

Walking with Dinosaurs - the Arena Spectacular

On Saturday night, Mum, Dad and I went to see Walking with Dinosaurs: The Arena Spectacular at Sheffield Arena and it was, in a word, SPECTACULAR!

The audience was filled with kids, families and adults alike and there was something for everyone. It was so much fun!

I thought it would be quite a static show but it was absolutely fantastic and I can't recommend it enough. The show is travelling the world and if it comes to your neck of the woods, I would recommend going.

The pictures I posted aren't the ones I took (I've yet to download them) but are from the internet and show the scale. You can't get it from the pictures but each dinosaur was awesome! Quite realistic!


Mmmm I am absolutely addicted to Galaxy Caramels lately and unfortunately (for me), the Vending Machine downstairs at work stocks them. Mmmmmm. In fact I am eating one now. YUM!

Not only are they DELISH but at the moment you have a chance to win a book! In fact I had a winner earlier this week and out of the books available I chose "Things I Want My Daughters to Know" by Elizabeth Noble with "Memory Keeper's Daughter" by Kim Edwards as my second choice. Hurrah!

Galaxy also have a Book Club (always a good thing) and it can be found at http://www.galaxybookclub.co.uk/.


20 Jul 2009

My Sister's Keeper

In a word? Brilliant!

To be honest, I didn’t want to read "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult. Who would? A book about a girl who is solely conceived as a bone marrow match for her dying sister. Ghoulish, morbid, morose and depressing sprang to mind. Even as I chose it as our next read for the Book Club about a year ago, I refused to pick it up. (I mean the news is bad enough, why would I want to wallow in this kind of misery in my spare time).

Yet for some reason a few weeks ago, I picked it up.

It was captivating and blew all my preconceptions (and misconceptions) out of the water. It wasn’t ghoulish or morbid, not even in the least. In fact it was stunning.

I loved each character, the family dynamics, how the book came together along with Jodi’s writing style and especially how she didn’t go for the easy (and cheesy) sentimental and over-emotional route.

As with any book that tackles controversial topics, there will be fans and there will be those who loathe its very existence. "My Sister's Keeper" and Jodi Picoult definitely have a fan in me. Highly recommended.

Seriously cute!


I'm home from work with ...... swine flu! Groan! I've had a "bad summer cold" since Friday but my boss sent me home this morning and the Doctor told me it's not a cold but swine flu and I've got to stay home for the rest of the week (and avoid people and large gatherings).

The one blessing of this is that it helps with my not-being-at-work-guilt that I'm following Doctor's orders and also I don't want to make my colleagues and friends poorly.

So there's a week of bed-rest, watching DVDs and sleeping in my future.

5 Jul 2009

Introducing Millie Grace

My cousin Steven and girlfriend Helen, had their first baby - a beautiful girl - on Friday 3rd July (at 1.12pm). A beautiful baby girl called Millie Grace. She was 7 pounds 4 ounces and she's just precious.

I know I am biased but I think she's adorable and such a good-natured baby. Here are some photos that I took of her today (aged 2 days old).

Millie with proud Dad, Steven

My Aunt Christine (Steven's Mum) with her new granddaughter Millie

What a Thoughtful Gift!

My friend Marleen sent me this fantabulous personalised gift of my favourite men - Elvis, Richard Armitage and Stephen Moyer from True Blood! Didn't it come out fabulous?! I have hung it in my bedroom near my Trent Willmon picture and autograph. I loooooooooooooooooooove it!!!

FANGtastic Drink

I love this vitamin water - and not just because it reminds me of True Blood! LOL! Yum!