21 Jul 2008

Angel of the Day...

A few posts ago I typed out the calendar message from my The Secret daily calendar for July 9th - how the Universe has been answering you all your life but you cannot receive the answers unless you are aware. (They can be in the form of a newspaper headline, song on the radio etc). I honestly believe this and with the troubles at work lately, I found myself tossing and turning in bed last night, unable to sleep. Worry weighing on my mind.

Today I found myself at the BeliefNet website and clicked on the Angel of the Day and for me, it was the Angel of Trust. How apt. I needed that message today. To remember that it WILL work out. To have faith.
(And as I was typing my blog, another Recruitment Agency called me to see when I could come in to meet with them. Another "sign" to keep the faith.)

1 comment:

Knottymoose said...

Okay, by reading this I'm thinking that interview you told me about didn't work out. Please keep me updated. I'm hoping that a new job will come your way soon that will be perfect for you!