23 Oct 2008

Slowing Down to the Speed of Life

Eventhough my work life seems to be full of drama, I have found peace in it all.

I have been reading alot and one of the books I recently read was called "What About the Big Stuff?" by Richard Carlson (author of "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"). It was really enlightening (not to mention poignant remembering how the author passed away unexpectedly in 2006) and I am approaching things better (or so I think). I have also started relaxing more and being patient. Slowing down to the speed of life. All my life I've been go-go-go, always doing two or four things at once ;) but now I have slowed down.

One of my slowing down strategies has been to read in the bath (I've never ever done that before) but it quietens my mind from the everyday stress, worries etc. Instead of being in and out within 5 minutes, I can now soak away for half an hour. I am in no rush. There's no better place I have to be.

I am also going on the treadmill every day (I figure exercise increased endorphins so I'll feel better, I'll also lose weight and boost my immune system). I read while I am on it (I have to hold the book and the treadmill handles at the same time - LOL) but 35 minutes go by in a blink and again, I am in silence absorbed in a book. It's the quiet times that seems to help with stress and nervous energy.

PLUS my clothes are starting to feel looser which is an amazing feeling ~ and not one, I've had in forever.

So eventhough there's a lot of stress going on right now, I am in a good place. Slowing down really does make everything better.

1 comment:

Knottymoose said...

Your my inspiration Liisa! I bought a treadmill about 9 months ago and have only used it a few times. I'm going to start walking everyday and hopefully I will start feeling better too! Keep up the good work!