10 Dec 2008

P.S. I Love You

I used to belong to LoveFilm (a DVD rental service) but when I was cutting back, I got rid of my membership. Anyway I was thinking about it the other day, wishing I had my membership back when low and behold, they sent me a Gift Card for 2 months free rentals :-) WOO HOO
So today I sat down and watched "P.S. I Love You".... and cried from probably the opening scene.... and then continued all the way through.
One of my favourites part ..... (below)....

Jeffrey Dean Morgan! YUM! I love him (love him as Denny in Grey's and as John Winchester in Supernatural!) I just love him! Lovely, sad, uplifting, film!

1 comment:

firefly said...

I have never seen this movie....