20 Feb 2009

Addicted Much?

As you know, I love Richard Armitage (sigh) since "North & South" first aired on the BBC in 2004 so it wasn't just good news (or even great news) but super-duper-fabby-do news to hear he was joining the cast of Spooks.

(This picture is my computer wallpaper and Blackberry wallpaper)

Even better that he's playing Lucas North, a tormented, tortured MI5 agent who has been held in a Russian Prison for eight years. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-myyyyyyyyyyyy-Gawwwd! NO ONE SHOULD BE THAT SEXY?!

Spooks is SUCH a good show that when I watched Season 7 (where Richard first appears), I kept forgetting he was in it. I just got lost in every episode! It's so amazing.

When Spooks first came on TV (2002), I was hooked (as was the rest of Britain, I think!) but was traumatised when in episode two, one of the new Spooks (slang for Spy incidentially) gets her face burnt off in boiling oil (when she is discovered). Oh man, it was brutal. I lost touch with Spooks after a couple of seasons and Richard has been a good excuse to get back into it. And like I said, it's a testament to the show that I forget I am meant to be checking him out and am completely absorbed in all the characters.

Anyway Marleen, one of my best friends, bought me Season 5 and 6 on DVD as an eaaaaarrrrrrrrrly birthday present (she is the one who prodded me and said "helllooooo. Richard Armitage + Spooks. You HAVE to watch) and they arrived last night and I watched two discs of Season 5 last night. Addicted Much?

(Gena made me these wonderful Spooks Blinkies! (Drool) but I haven't worked out how to upload them properly so they flash and blink like they do in real life).

I even dreamt last night about Adam Carter (Rupert Penry-Jones) and Roz Myers (Hermonie Norris) and how we were all on an operation together. LMAO!

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