8 May 2011

The Return of the 'Special Relationship'

OK peeps, enough is enough. I demand the return of the 'special relationship' between the US and the UK.

Sure we've had our differences, we've changed Prime Ministers and Presidents and we've all had the opportunity to flex our independence muscle.

But aren't we stronger together?

Now I know how awkward it can be post-break-up and 'trying again' so I propose with start with shopping. Please let me buy all your lovely goodies of fabulousness in your shops and ship them to me here. True, this is the real reason I want the return of the relationship but really, isn't it just a compliment dressed up in a Visa Bill?

There's so much I love about American shops and there's nothing worse than making it all the way through the online checkout process only to get the flash-up red-boxed warning saying that they do not ship to your country. Sob.

So Mr Cameron. President Obama. What do we say? Let the shoppers unite!

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