10 Feb 2016

I Heart YouTube

You know when you're in the work's kitchen, waiting for the kettle, and you say something random to your colleague like how you could do with a loooooooong break??!! 

For me, I never expected to actually get it. When I thought of the aforementioned imagined lovely long break, I imagined Bora Bora or the Hong Kong - not surgery, bed rest, surgery and more bed rest. 


Now nine times out of ten, my nose will be in a book. I love books (or Kindles) and I love reading. Love it! But for a million different reasons, books have not been able to captivate me (as much) or help pass the time as I expected.

Thankfully the monotony has been broken up with YouTube. What a bloody marvellous invention. I hadn't realised before what a gem I had at my fingertips. 

Pre-long-boring-unexpected-and-unwelcome-break, my YouTube visitation was to solely hear (and see) latest single from Singer X or Band Y. The end. 

Then I discovered TEDTalks and my relationship with YouTube expanded substantially. (TEDTalks - another bloody brilliant invention!)

My first round of bed rest, I hunkered down, tuned into TED and ..... Couldn't last the distance. Whhaaaatttttt?!!!!! What my brain / soul / body needed was (a) lots of laughs and/or (b) light entertainment. Thus entered the period of:

1/. Jimmy Fallon
2/. Celebrities Read Mean Tweets (OMG! Totes adorbs!)
and for me, most surprising (c) Make-up/Beauty/Skincare videos

What?! You heard me. Make-up videos. My make-up "routine" (God, I use that word loosely) consisted of mascara (if I remembered). Well, not quite but not far off.

But what caused me to fall in love with these videos and the folks behind them was their authentic vulnerability. These gals are *PASSIONATE* about make-up, skincare and beauty tips which is infectious. Their passion is such that they often appear on camera sans make-up (dark circles, spots etc exposed). So, you might say, but I am not sure I would be brave enough to do it myself to 1 or to a million subscribers and then face the wrath of a mean comment. 

What starts out as make-up, often segues into life beliefs, favourite TV shows, weather, love, life in another country/city and the formation of another wonderfully different human being who, through a little camera, is letting you into their life.

Brené Brown (who I love) often talks about vulnerability and how to live your best life, you need to give in and embrace your vulnerability and these YouTubers remind me of that. Who would have thunk I'd come away with such a great lesson as well as a great lipstick recommendation??!

Since my first bed rest, James Corden's Carpool Karaoke has also made my list of YouTube videos I *must* watch. I'd love to know what YouTube channels you love and are subscribed to.

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