28 May 2008

I did it! I finally watched FNL all the way through ...

I am a Tim McGraw fan and when Friday Night Lights came out, I wanted to see him in action (so to speak) so like a good fan, I duly rented the DVD and started watching .... FIVE TIMES. I couldn't get past the scene were Tim's character tapes the football to his son's hands. (He plays a drunk abusive has-been Father). I balk at bullying and knowing it was based on a true story was too much.

Then I started watching the TV series spin-off and adored it. Everything about it. The writing. The direction. The character interaction. Not to mention how foreign it is to me to see high-school football taken so seriously. (It is both frightening and sobering!)

So last night I began attempt numero seis .... and got really into it. It's a good movie (I'm not quite ready to say great) although I think the TV show has more finesse and the advantage of expanding on the characters. But I did it ... I made it all the way through. Yeah me!

1 comment:

Knottymoose said...

I have only seen the movie and I too did not like that part with Tim in it. Even though he played it well. Did the TV series ever get cancelled?