28 May 2008

Introducing Gorgeous George

It's been 22 days since I said adios to Clive (my old car), so I thought it was only proper to introduce you to Gorgeous George (my new car).

A car I love to an unhealthy level!

My old car, although got me from A to B (most days), didn't have any heat, electric windows, cup holders (you know... the important stuff ) and leaked when it rained. Might not be a problem if I was back home in Brisbane but sucked supremely living in England.

Gorgeous George, however, (a Mini One), has all the bells and whistles. It's automatic, has power steering, CUP HOLDERS!! (which I have put my absorbent stone coasters in from America), electric windows, sunroof (which DOESN'T leak) and in the first day of having it, I did 60 miles I love driving it that much. It's a DREAM! Sigh .... love ya George!

1 comment:

Knottymoose said...

I love mini coopers! How fun for you! My family has always named their cars too!