It's been there a while. That lurking, lingering thought that I'm uncomfortable with my weight. Yet for some inexplicable reason on 27th February this year, I decided to *do* something about it.
My goal? To shed those pounds before my Florida Wunderhol in September. As it slowly dawned on me that I really was going to tackle my weight (or die trying), I realised that this was the first time I was doing it for myself which in itself, gives me extra fighting power. This wasn't for family, friends or a loved one. I wanted this for me. (Yeah me!)
Although I am gripped by reading what torture the stars will put themselves through for a Size 0, I knew I didn't want to do some wacky craze diet. My colleague started Weight Watchers at the beginning of the year and was finding it do-able as well as enjoying the results so I thought this would be my method too!
The Journey So Far (in kgs lost)
Week One -2kgs
Week Two -2kgs
Week Three -0.6kgs
Week Four -0.6kgs
Week Five -0.5kgs
In total? 5.7kgs. High five right here please!
Not only can I see the results in the kgs that are being lost but my clothes are baggier and so many friends and even people in my Line Dancing class have noticed. In five weeks! Talk about motivation to keep on the Weight Watchers Wagon!
Being the food hound that I am (hence the reason I am in this predicament), I expected Weight Watchers to be HARD. To feel deprived and to suffer through each day (which shows my resolve to lose the weight!)
Although it hasn't been easy per se, it has definitely not been difficult. There are two secret weapons in my arsenal. Grapes and my colleague although not necessarily in that order. Having someone in the same office also on Weight Watchers helps when buns or chocolate are brought into work. She's also a wealth of knowledge on ProPoints and tips and as she attends meetings and I am subcribed online, we can share resources. It has been a win-win for me.
Grapes? Grapes are nuggets of zero-pointed yumminess that have saved my bacon! Weight Watchers has helped me see all the times I ate because I was bored or how I often rewarded myself with food. Still there are moments between meals when I am peckish and my little tubs of grapes and raspberries see off those hunger pangs as well as give me lovely vitamins and minerals.
What's more I've also started rewarding myself when I do lose weight with non-food related goodies although last week's Lawn Mower may have been slightly excessive!!!
Each day I am on Weight Watchers, I find it empowering and I love the results I am getting. I can't wait to be a shadow of my former self. The journey continues!
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