18 Apr 2011

Snap Happy

I don't know if it's the Spring weather or this recent sense of achievement I have but I've decided to embark on another project that has been niggling at me for a while. To take better photos.

Reading blogs, seeing Twitpics and uploads on Facebook, I am constantly blown away by the excellent quality of photos shared by friends .... and I want to join the ranks of better-than-average photographer.

I used to take photos all the time but somewhere along the line I became Blackberry-lazy. I love my Blackberry but it only has an okay camera on it and since I am always eager to upload to Twitter or FB straight away, I suddenly became OK with slightly dodgy, grainy photos. No more! It starts today peeps! For one I am actually going to read the manual for my digital camera as I have no doubt there are 101 features I don't make use. I'm also going to read tips and tricks from the experts.

All suggestions, tips, tricks and encouragement welcome here! Squeal! I am really quite excited!

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