13 Apr 2011

16 Sleeps....

until the Royal Wedding.

Me? Ridiculously excited.

I know some people think it's "cool" to not be interested in the Royal Wedding. Perhaps it's a case of not wanting to support the Monarchy but in this climate of doom and gloom, why not revel in a celebration? A national one at that! If you're not a Royalist or even a history boffin (after all, we're witnessing history in the making!), why not sit back, enjoy the day off and take the philosophy that sometimes we all need to let down our guard and just enjoy life a little. Smile and celebrate because it'll be back to business as usual soon enough!


Amanda said...

If only the entire commonwealth got the day off too!

Unknown said...

Now I am all for sharing the wealth and am happy to sign any petition asking for more Bank Holidays but in all seriousness, I think the Commonwealth *should* get this off.

Then again, I am still chuntering how some countries in the Commonwealth get the Queen's birthday off and we don't.

I hereby declare, decree that you can have the day off with full pay .... (do you think that will work Amanda?)